Hello, let’s stay in touch!

“We want to improve and we know that listening to your feedback is the fastest way to do that. If you want to share any comments with us, if there is anything you are not happy with/you love or you have any questions, please contact us!

Call us or fill in the form. Both channels are at your disposal.

Monday to Friday (not holidays)

From 9:00-14:30 and 15:30-18:00

Fill in the form

If you do not have a second last name, repeat the first last name.
Ex: 9xxxxxxxx
Do not indicate the prefix of your country. Ex: 6xxxxxxxx.
Enter the 13 digits of the barcode.
Responsible Kovyx Outdoor S.L./ ESB83904086/ Avda. Andalucía, 208, 28341 Valdemoro (Madrid)/ lpd@kovyx.com / 911345046
Main purpose Manage the potential commercial/professional relationship. Respond to queries and send the information you request.
Rights Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to its treatment, as well as not being subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when applicable.
Additional Information You can consult additional and detailed information about our Privacy Policy at the following link.