In e-commerce, a good photograph is key

Today, e-commerce revenue in our country continues to grow. According to Juan Merodio, considered one of the leading experts in digital marketing in Spain and Latin America, by 2040 almost 95% of all purchases will be made through digital channels.

For the user experience to be completely satisfactory, it is essential that our customers have the feeling of making a purchase that is as real as possible every day. They should be able to see the product they want accurately from different angles, including a 360-degree view. They should feel that what they see on their computer and mobile screens is exactly what they are going to buy and receive at home.

Having a 200-square-meter photography studio at Kovyx allows us to achieve all this and more.

We have one of the largest cycloramas in Spain and two spacious sets to simulate environments that can be changed with agility as they are reversible. A lighting trust with gradient scales allows us to give each product the desired nuance.

In our studio, we regularly take limbo shots, detail or macro shots, as well as lifestlye shots. These are crucial to accurately position the product in the spaces and environments where it will be used.

We have made this investment because, undoubtedly, a good product image translates into successful online sales.

The advantage of having an in-house photography studio

At Kovyx, we know what professional equipment is needed to successfully sell through e-commerce channels. That’s why having a photography studio within our premises is so important to us.

In this way, all the professionals who have collaborated in launching a new product have the opportunity to participate and provide their input when it comes to photography. We ensure that the setup is correct and highlight the product’s main benefits and strengths for sales purposes.

That’s why we have over 1,500 product references with high-quality photographs that capture the essence of our commercial items down to the smallest details.



We always have access to excellent quality material, both for ourselves and our B2B clients.

If you want to enjoy all these advantages and start selling our products, don’t hesitate. Contact us here.



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