Folding chair test: are you a beach, mountain or balcony person?

Do you already know where you’re going to place your chair this summer? Are you a beach lover, a mountain enthusiast, or a defender of your balcony at home? Answer honestly and have fun discovering how your psychological traits influence your vacation choices with this definitive test.

Let’s get started!


When you think about vacations, what feeling predominates in you?

  1. a) Relaxation and tranquility
  2. b) Excitement and adventure
  3. c) Indifference or stress

Which type of environment is most comforting to you?

  1. a) Lively and bustling places with lots of social interaction.
  2. b) Quiet and serene places.
  3. c) I have no preferences.

What kind of challenges do you prefer to face?

  1. a) Challenges related to adapting to different environments and situations.
  2. b) Physical challenges.
  3. c) I don’t like challenges.

What attracts you the most about vacations?

  1. a) The opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
  2. b) Time to disconnect and enjoy tranquility.
  3. c) I couldn’t say.

Which type of activities make you feel more satisfied?

  1. a) Those that allow me to interact with other people and have fun.
  2. b) Activities that allow me to enjoy solitude and introspection.
  3. c) Everyday activities that don’t pose any challenge to me.

How do you define yourself in terms of planning and organization?

  1. a) I’m more spontaneous and prefer to go with the flow.
  2. b) I’m meticulous and like to have everything planned in advance.
  3. c) I’m very linear and inflexible. Unexpected events upset me.

What would you like to experience during your vacation?

  1. a) Cultural diversity and the opportunity to meet new people.
  2. b) Tranquility for reflection and recharging energy.
  3. c) The feeling of being in a familiar and known environment.

We have reached the end of our test. Ready to see the results? Here they are.

Mostly “a” answers: Your ideal vacation destination is a tropical beach! You love the company of other people and social interaction. Vibrant and bustling locations are perfect for your vacations. Your ideal chair for this summer is the Solenny 4-Position Beach Bed Chair. Breathable textileene fabric. Quick-drying. 100% polyester coated with PVC. Weather-resistant and UV-resistant. Foldable. 4 backrest positions and a handle for easier transportation.

Mostly “b” answers: Your perfect vacation: a mountain getaway! You’re a fan of a peaceful summer. You value introspection and time alone. Vacations in natural environments or rural settings are your thing. Your perfect chair is the Solenny 5-Position Relax Lounger. 3cm padding. Washable: 80% polyester, 20% cotton. 5 backrest positions. Includes an anatomical headrest for added comfort.

Mostly “c” answers: Your dream vacation destination is your own house! You feel comfortable in familiar environments. You love routines and don’t like to abandon or disrupt them for a few days. You’re happy enjoying the good weather from your balcony, terrace, or garden. Your dream chair this season is the Solenny 6-Position Super Armchair. 5cm padding. Washable: 80% polyester, 20% cotton. 6 backrest positions. Includes an anatomical headrest for added comfort.


With Solenny chairs, relaxing outdoors will become your favorite activity. Want to know why they are so special? Well, let’s start with their ergonomic shape. Their curved backrest and spacious seat are designed for you to spend hours sitting in them. Goodbye to uncomfortable postures! These chairs perfectly adapt to you.

But that’s not all. They come in a wide variety of models: for the beach, mountains, pool, garden, terrace, and even for your balcony.

If you have limited space, folding chairs are your salvation. You can easily store them and bring them out when the sunbeams call to your window!

If you prefer to save space and have more than one chair at hand, stackable chairs are your best option.

Also, don’t worry about the passage of time. These chairs are made with durable materials and can withstand whatever you throw at them.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose your Solenny chair and start enjoying your vacation your way, no matter your destination this summer!

Or if you want to sell our products, get in touch with us here.


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