Are you a Kovyx professional? Kovyx Talent Manager gives you the keys to succeed on your application

It’s dawn. Computers are starting up with greetings and good mornings. The aroma of the first morning coffees fills the air. We are at the Kovyx offices in Madrid, and in front of me is María Cid, the Talent Manager of the company.

María, among the values that Kovyx has as a company: passion, commitment, humility, innovation, and sustainability, which one do you identify with the most and why?

Undoubtedly, the one I connect with the most is humility. I am convinced that no one is superior to anyone else, and I understand that we can always learn something new from others. Listening to others always teaches us different perspectives and helps us grow as a business organization.

What are three key skills that are necessary in your work?

  1. Listening is essential to understand the needs of all parts of the organization and have a complete, 360-degree vision. Listening is the fundamental pillar to understand where we stand and achieve effective communication between employees, managers, and company leaders.
  2. Having a good understanding of skills and competencies. It is crucial to attract and retain the best talent that fits the needs of each job position in the organization and, of course, the culture of Kovyx.
  3. Curiosity and constant search for new ways of doing things are fundamental tools to face the challenges that this new era presents in the field of work, which is changing so much and so rapidly.

What is an important aspect to have to be part of Kovyx and integrate successfully?

It is important that our employees have good interpersonal skills because we all work together, and the team is fundamental. The camaraderie among colleagues is excellent. We are always willing to help each other. Maintaining and enhancing this good atmosphere is vital to achieve common goals in the future.

Also, it is very interesting for individuals to be curious and proactive. It is valuable for the company to have new ideas and different approaches. At Kovyx, we are always open to improvement.

And if our employees speak multiple languages, even better. We work internationally, and it’s a plus to be able to communicate in various ways.

When evaluating a resume, what is the most important thing for you?

In a resume, it is interesting to observe the candidate’s professional trajectory. The jobs they have had, changes, education… It is important that their trajectory aligns with the position we want to fill and our organizational culture.

Blind resumes do not include information such as age, gender, nationality, or a photograph. What do you think about them?

I find them very useful for eliminating possible unconscious biases that we all have. While it is true that if the process progresses to a personal interview, these details will be revealed, I believe it can be interesting in terms of promoting equal opportunities and focusing on the most objective aspects of the candidates.

What do you think a candidate should consider when preparing for a job interview?

A candidate attending a job interview should gather as much information as possible about the company before going. Its activities, corporate culture, mission, values… This will help them focus their interview more successfully and be more at ease. They should dress appropriately based on the position they want to occupy and as long as they feel comfortable and not disguised. From there, they should try to relax and be as natural as possible. Speak calmly, listen actively, and always ask anything they want to know about the position and about us. The interview should be a two-way conversation.

What advice would you give to employees or candidates that you apply in your work?

Naturalness and honesty. We are like a big family here, and we are not uptight. It’s not about pretending but demonstrating our great values and being a great team.

With these final words from María Cid, we conclude this interview, wishing her success in all the Talent plans she has designed for Kovyx in the coming years.

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